Thursday April 22, 2021 |About ecomloop

Restarting the blog

Ecomloop has been mostly silent for the last few months. I apologize for this, but it's not because we're giving up on our goals of helping small teams achieve digital success. The past 4 months have been an exciting time of growth and change, so here is a quick update on what's happened at Ecomloop over the last few months:

  • Stopped blogging on a daily basis (duh)
  • Shifted focus to merging technologies like AI, VR/metaverse, crypto
  • Gone deep into the metaverse world and build a 3 story property
  • Acquired dozens of non-fungible tokens across a variety of realms
  • Built a site promoting an IRL art install of CryptoPunks
  • Resolved irregular domain routing issues
  • Revised emprezzo towards a new crypto enabled model
  • Started development of a web 3 asset management solution
  • Changed to offer streamlined services of consulting, managed service, and custom solutions

That list leaves a lot of details out, and gives me a good list of topics to update over the coming weeks. It won't be a daily posting. Instead, I'd like to spend more time updating other sections of the site, including the very overlooked 'Projects' section, as well as building out homes on platforms like CryptoVoxels, Discord, and Twitter.

A primary goal this year is to launch a regular newsletter, partially to replace the blog writing and consolidate the now archived 'news' section. It would include a handful of links on a particlar theme, with a synopsis of how they relate to the changing nature of small businesses operating in the digital economy. I want to stay away from simply regurgitating trending headlines and instead attempt to focus on unnoticed trends. One of the major changes in the digital transformation is both the way everything can be monitored, and how much less perceptible these changes are to the untrained eye.

It's been an incredibly exciting year in terms of innovation in the digital economy. If this is anything like other technology trends, this is only the beginning. The internet is fun again. Innovation is everywhere. There's a digital revolution underway.

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