Tuesday April 14, 2020 |Notes

Digital commerce is no longer optional

Digital commerce is no longer optional for most people; it's become a vital service for a world that wasn't necessarily ready for it.

The world's population has been pushed to rework almost all commerce, education, and communications to adhere to social distancing. Many tools and services that previously were looked at as online alternatives to real-world solutions have suddenly become vital - and the only way to continue doing business as usual. Unlike the people who have already adjusted much of their lives to digital commerce, this is a not an optional, slow transition. The change is sudden and only happening because real-world alternatives have ceased to exist.

Individuals that hadn't yet moved online likely had some reason for doing so, i.e. aversion to tech, underwhelmed by needs, choosing to shop local, etc. This isn't necessarily a tech-savvy crowd. More than ever, it's important to keep the customers and clients in mind with all messaging.

Be sure to let people know how your product can benefit them in a real sense. Digital means to obtain food, entertain, and find connection are vastly more important now than a few months ago. Make it clear with all messaging and be sincere. No need to push anything that doesn't legitimately help.

Explain clearly and concisely how your product - and people - will help the customer. A tech-resistant crowd will be especially wary of anything that seems to good to be true - or inauthentic. Build trust, show how digital commerce can help, and be there to support people.

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