Friday June 26, 2020 |Notes

A framework for improving conversion rates

Conversion rate optimization yields enormous results with well designed strategies. Optimal execution takes perseverance and is not a quick-fix solution. There are many guides out there that are either endlessly long or entirely too vague. This list is meant to help highlight immediate wins and serve as a framework for implementing continual improvements.

  1. Streamline overall site design - remove distractions, especially above the fold. Use simple, clear headings and rely heavily on imagery.
  2. Communicate the problems solved - tell customers/clients what problem you are solving for them. Introduce the problem if not abundantly clear & tell them how you solve this.
  3. Display clear call-to-action - make it exceedingly clear what a visitor should do on each page. Include a primary CTA (above the fold) and one secondary option.
  4. Give secondary CTA options - not every customer is at the same stage and ready to make a purchase. Give hesitant customers another chance, i.e. email signup, free guide, more info
  5. Demonstrate benefits - demonstrate with images and text how your products helps your customer. Technical details should be less prominent than benefits.
  6. Apply consistent design - choose a color scheme (~4-6 colors) and some fonts (2-3) and stick to them everywhere. Consistency goes a long way to improving perception.
  7. Set clear shipping terms - make it clear how much shipping will cost, how long it will take, and give a free shipping option. Customers prefer to spend money on product over shipping.
  8. Remove any payment concerns - instill confidence that returns/refunds will not be a hassle, give reliable payment options. Assuage any concerns potential customers may have.
  9. Optimize speed & user experience - slow loading sites and poor UX make a bad impression on customers & new visitors. Improve the loading time, improve the UX, especially on mobile.
  10. Configure proper tracking - implement analytics tracking well from the start and use well designed a/b test. It's much easier to identify problem areas with consistent data.
  11. Gather customer feedback - give customers a chance to give feedback. hone in on both problems that nearly prevented purchases and the reasons they chose to become a customer.
  12. Run real tests - test the site yourself by running through the entire purchase cycle. Consider the mindset of your customers and identify potential problems & improvements.

There are certainly items missing from the list. It's designed as a general framework that can be used repeatedly rather than reviewed as a checklist. The key is to consider CRO as an ongoing process, rather than a one-time checklist. For more help with CRO, check out our conversion rate optimization solutions.

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