Thursday July 09, 2020 |Notes

Following News with Feedly app

Ever since the demise of Google Reader, Feedly has served as a great resource for following news via RSS. Feedly has a ton a great features and has served as a great alternative since 2013. In that the time, the experience and features on both the web version and feedly app have greatly improved.

It's been over 7 years since Google Reader was decommissioned, which means that I've personally been using Feedly for over 7 years now. Since 2015 I've paid for a feedly pro account.

As a longtime subscriber, I had a handful of extra features enabled on my account, including following Google news alerts. I use the notes and highlighting features heavily and until recently, didn't see the need to try out some of newer features.

About two weeks ago, I upgraded to Pro+ account in order to try out the AI-enabled news-reading bot Leo. One of my hesitations with following some RSS feeds is that too much is published, which makes it hard to follow the important items. Leo has made it much easier to filter feeds to both filter the best items and highlight important sentences to provide a summary.

After seven years of using Feedly, it's hard to imagine using another RSS reader. The Feedly Pro+ account has introduced me to new features which make it even more powerful. I've gotten started with some and see some great opportunities to use some of the additional features.

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