Saturday July 11, 2020 |Notes

A secondary option

Not all website visitors will be ready to take proceed with the primary call to action. Provide a secondary option to give another option and start paving the path.

Secondary CTAs are effective for visitors not ready to make a full commitment. This may be a shopper considering multiple options before purchasing, a visitor who just heard about your site for the first time, or someone waiting for the right time to take the next action.

A primary CTA may be too much of an ask for these people. It'd still be a waste to not provide an option for these warm leads. Generally, this involves finding a way to stay in touch. This often takes the form of getting an email address. It could be a social media connection. Regardless, give there needs to be a clear benefit for the prospective lead.

Offer something in return. Show your understand the problem. Demonstrate a solution. Continue the conversation. Rather than leaving with warm leads with no options besides the primary CTA, give them a secondary option that meets their needs.

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